27 Июля 2024 Суббота

Vademecum Magazine opens registration for the Congress “Vademecum Medday. Smart solutions for healthcare business”.
Служба новостей Мединдустрия
30 октября 2017, 10:52
Фото: Vademecum

The event is being held at venue of the international scientific and practical forum "Russian Health Week", on the 7th of December.

Vademecum MedDay is the first event in the industry bringing together all players of commercial medicine market – representatives of private clinics, state and departmental medical facilities.
The objective of the Congress is not only to discuss the current market conditions, but also to get practical instruments on operating within the market and to compare Russian experience with the best foreign practices.

5 reasons to visit Vademecum Medday:

  1. to get to know the best world healthcare practices and how to use them in Russia
  2. to get practical advice, how to increase the number of patients with decreasing transaction expenses
  3. to define the way to recruit the best healthcare specialists for your clinics and how to manage them effectively
  4. to take in the variety of IT-solutions for medical business
  5. to meet your potential investors, partners, and clients
The place of the event: "Blue Hall" (pavilion №2.1) Central Exhibition Complex "Expocenter"

Vademecum MedDay programme

9:00 – 10:30 Registration, welcoming coffee-break

10:30 – 12:30 The first section «Profitability»: how to produce
and sell qualitative medical services

Vladimir Geraskin, Telemed Help
Daria Shubina, Vademecum

Participants in the discussion:
Moneesh Arora, Sphera (RSA)
Antonio Piccoli, GVM (Italy)
Representative of Acibadem (Turkey)
Konstantin Lyadov, Medsi
Ilya Tupitsyn, National medical network
Elena Zhidkova, RZD-Medicine
Vladimir Alexandrovsky, Dental Fantasy
the list is supplemented

12:30 – 13:30 Dinner

13:30 – 15:30 The second section «IT»: how to integrate a
clinic in digital health

Andrey Almazov, RVC
Olga Goncharova, Vademecum

Participants in the discussion:
Denis Yudchitz, MMT
Alexander Konstantinov, Ondoc
Vladimir Geraskin, Telemed Help
the list is supplemented

16:00 – 18:00 The workshop «Package»: what does your
business lack to attract investment?

Dmitry Schuetzle, VIYM

Participants in the discussion:
Konstantin Povstyanoy, Baring Vostok
Alexander Zhuravlev, RDIF
lya Tupitsyn, National medical network
Representative of Severgroup
Antonio Piccoli, GVM
Anna Guseva, EY
the list is supplemented

Please contact Vademecum Medday organizers to get more information about participation in the Congress:

Application and registration:

Daria Shubina - shubina@idffmedia.ru
Olga Sineva - sineva@idffmedia.ru
Olga Goncharova - goncharova@idffmedia.ru
Anastasia Buianova - bujanova@idffmedia.ru


 Irina Onischenko - onischenko@idffmedia.ru

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